Then what the heck are you doing on here looking for real advice? Go see a professional, don't get advice from a 12 year old kid watching porn on his dad's computer.Why Do People Think This Site Will Yield Good Advice?
Considering you have asked no questions seeking advice or what you may need to know about particular issues you are in no position to ask such a stupid question nor add such childish comments. Get lost and thanks for the 2 points in making me so angry I just had to reply to such a question I do not normally do.Why Do People Think This Site Will Yield Good Advice?
While there are some idiots on here, there are actually people with the necessary skills to be able to advise correctly.
Its just difficult as a questioner to know who is telling the truth.
I am pharmacy dispenser, there are pharmacists who answer on here, doctors, nurses, plumbers, electricians, petrol heads, people with legal expertise etc.
We are all from all different walks of life, reading some of the medical questions I know whose opinion to trust and whose not, but it is difficult to know who is and isnt genuine in most other cases.
Its good to get a variety of opionions about things, though the 'am I pregnant' questions annoy me, as theres no way anyone on here can answer that, only doing a test can answer that. For some reason, seeing that question at least 4 or 5 times a week drives me nuts.
Why do you have to put a capital letter infront of every word in the title?
Why not?
That's depend on what problems that they have.
Luke 9.25,55-56,60
Can a doctor feed a hungry ghost?
When they are not sick?
But hungry?
Luke 4.23
What do you think?
why are you asking this question if you believe you wont receive any good answers? oh the irony of your question
Are you writing a book or something? If you don't like this site you could always stay off of it. I'm sure there are enough people here that no one would miss you. If you are writing a book, try doing your research on a site you prefer more than you do this one.
Just because you don't seem to really need any advice or compassion doesn't mean others don't.
Don't go away mad, just go away.
I wonder why you started each word with a capital?
There are thousands of chat sites on the net, perhaps you should just consider this one of them. No one has to take the advise if they don't want to.
I have actually gotten some very good advice from strangers in the street, you gotta know how to spot which strangers are gonna know what you need to know... and keep an open mind.
As for 12 year old kids watching porn on their dads computer, you'd be amazed at what they can teach you.
while we adults are busy with the struggles of life, they have all the time in the world to keep up on all the latest technology.
I don't know how old he was but someone on here told me how to make a Win89 twain scanner work on XP... something all the ';experts'; said was impossible.. ';buy a new one they're cheap. (give china more of your hard earned money)';
Because the advice I need, is about searching family history.
I am not going to a professional! they charge too much
Sometimes its good to get various ppls opinions.
Then again I would never post anything serious on here, I'll leave that for my friends and family!
Why are you on here then? Didn't get an answer you wanted? It's not the professional answer people want, it's knowing someone has had the same experiance and can understand. Go somehwere else and stop whining
well I don't think people are asking any real serious questions on here..if they are I guess I haven't seen them. (and I hope people are basing the answers on here for a real important dicision..)
but what I though this place was good for was just to get some friendly advice from somebody who might know something about a situation or something that you may not have any idea about or even know anybody who knows something about what you need advice on
(yes that was confusing i know..hopefully you kind of understand what i was saying)
I guess what i'm trying to say is I hope people aren't taking everything on here so dead seriously and letting it totally influence their life....but it is a pretty neat place just to hear about different experiences and stuff
Some people cannot aford professional advice, on here people can talk freely, even without people knowing who they are.
Well you seemed to think it was a good idea, seeing as you've already asked a question:鈥?/a>
Here's some good advice- you don't HAVE to use capitals for every word in your question title.
There you go, you actually learnt something useful.
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