Monday, December 28, 2009

Does anyone know a good site where I can find advice about setting up a marine fish tank?

I've kept tropical fish for years so know a fair bit about fish in general, it's the more 'marine specific' stuff I'd be interested in.Does anyone know a good site where I can find advice about setting up a marine fish tank?

very useful website seems like ive been giving the site on every post but yeh its much better than alot of local fish stores (LFS) some of them have no idea

people on there know what they on about with decades of experienceDoes anyone know a good site where I can find advice about setting up a marine fish tank?

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Check your local store they usually can help you
Fish only marine tanks are not hard to keep, but the reef tank can require a huge amount of equipment. Your best bet is to first decide on what you want to keep, and then go to your local marine store and find out what kind of equipment you need to make this possible.

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