Monday, December 28, 2009

How can I see who is visiting my site,some tool or advice to help me how can I track it? ip?something! please!

I Need to start tracking the visits on my site... is a restaurant :P and I want to know the customers...So, I need a tool or something to make this... thanks!!!How can I see who is visiting my site,some tool or advice to help me how can I track it? ip?something! please!
try GoDaddys ';Traffic Facts'; @ can I see who is visiting my site,some tool or advice to help me how can I track it? ip?something! please!
a counter :) there are many free counters out there the easiest free one you can get from here:

I also use one from here its more complex but you can use any picture you want:

it would be hard to get something just to track Ip, I have a forum and tools, so I can check with that, but I'm not surehow you would do it...Unless you want to try and make a bot. You can add a bot to your site and using the bots controls you can find out the ip of the people who come. This is vincent, one of my bots:鈥?/a>

They don't start out like this by the way, I've pimped him out;)

I got him from here:

you can train bots to say anything and they are a fun way to interact with your customers.

I've been online only since 2004 and I do the coding myself,lol, after I ask at support boards.Every thing I use is free.
Personally I use site meter on my sites. It tells me who come on my site, their location, how many pages they look at, how long they on the site, where they came from, where they clicked out of site, how many visits to my site, and more. Plus, it' Free

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