i want to start a site, but i dont want to pay, so i need a place to make free ones. i know of freewebs.com, but do u know of any other ones? also after i make an advice site i need to make it so other people find out about it. how should i do that?
thnx for your help in advancedHow should i make a site for advice? ?
Go to Google. Search AllExperts.
They are always looking for people to volunteer to give good advice to others. I have 3 pages on AllExperts. And I get a lot of questions, a lot of Thank You's for my advice.
You can search me under Google. Type REYOMETRICS and you will go right to my page.
Once you get good, AllExperts will post you on Google so everyone can find you.How should i make a site for advice? ?
proboards, you can make a forum for problems and such
you can advertise your website on other popular psychological websites for those who seek help and advice.
it's going to cost money...you need investors so you have money to develop the site, maintain it, etc...
just try googling free web sites
but to make your own site youll have to buy a domain name and space on the internet which can get a bit pricey
i think alot of people would like that and go on it all the time.
get a website and call it Yahoo answers... dumbass
i dont know but u know u wont make any money from it unless u pay a site fee right?
There's wetpaint.com and Yahoo's geocities.
Tell all your friends. And they'll tell their friends and so on and so on....
type in free websites on google
yes every one needs help but cant you do that here?
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